BSSA Grand Prix, 22 May 2022, Results

Numbers for the shoot were slightly low, with 24 competing, therefore the 50m Grand Prix competition was shot in two classes, X, and A, B & C combined. The combined A, B & C class was scored on the MacRae handicap system.

Prize winners were:
X Class

Gun Score
Mrs W Foith 594
R Fowke 586

A, B & C Class


Average Gun Score Macrae Score
S Webb 96.0 582 600.231
M Shaw 96.5 581 600.087
Ms M Popham 93.73 563 600.016
Mrs T Beadle 95.0 569 599.969

Benchrest (Single Class)

Gun Score
A Robertson 590 2x

The Optional 100yd 40 Shot Competition Shot was also shot in two classes, X, and A, B & C combined, prize winners were:

X Class

Gun Score
Mrs W Foith 392
J Duguid 391

A, B & C Class

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
B Parker 91.83 375 400.215
M Shaw 96.5 389 400.176
Mrs S Day 95.67 384 400.065

Optional competition prizes were in wine.

Full results may be found here.

The mysteries of the MacRae handicap system are explained here.

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