The league is for club teams of two and clubs may enter as many teams as they wish. In accordance with NSRA rules, the pairs are made up of club members in descending averages i.e. the pair with the top two averages form the A team for that club. No club member may shoot for more than one team in any round.
The current (2024) cost is £7.00 per team. There are no additional fees.
The winning team members and runners up in each Division each receive a medal.
The League is divided into Divisions, with each Division comprising of 6 teams. Where necessary a ‘Division Average’ team will be used to make up full divisions.
The course of fire is 10 rounds of one 2510BM, 2010BM or 1510BM card as appropriate per round per shooter shot fortnightly. The last day of shooting for each round will be a Monday.
All shooting and witnessing is to be in accordance with the NSRA rules in force on the last day of shooting for the first round.
Self scoring. Clubs have the option to score their own cards. Scores may then be posted or emailed as preferred to the League Scorer. Clubs opting to self-score are required to retain all cards for two weeks after the results of the final round are issued. The BSSA may call in the cards for any round for verification.
The option for Clubs to submit cards to the League Scorer remains.
NSRA approved electronic target systems may also be used; records may be posted or scanned and emailed to the League Scorer.
Scores or shot cards must reach the League Scorer by the Saturday following the last day for shooting; either by the first post if sent by post or by midday of that Saturday by any other means.
League results are issued by email or post (SAE required) as preferred by the club. The BSSA aim is to issue results within two weeks of receipt of the shot cards.