BSSA Summer Leagues 2023

Entries are now open for the BSSA 25yd and 50m/50yds pairs, and 100yd individual leagues.

Entries for all leagues close on the 6th March, with the first round of the 50m and 100yd leagues to be shot by the 17th April. The first two rounds of the 25yd league are to be shot by the 24th April. Further details and entry form may be found here for the 25 yds, here for the 50m/50yd and here for the 100yd.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 6 (Final)

For the 6th and final round of the BSSA Frostbite League the weather returned to being unseasonably mild, dry but overcast. The wind flags were redundant, hanging lifeless for the first two details and only occasionally managing a listless flutter during the third. The favourable condition allowed for six ‘possibles’ from the prone contingent; though these were all achieved during the first two details, so maybe there was a bit more wind than the flags appeared to be indicating during the third.

Winners of the day’s competitions were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First J Duguid 3 0
Second Mrs W Foith 2 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs W Foith 2 1
Second Mrs T Beadle 6 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Mrs S Day 6 1
Second A Campbell 3 1

League Result
The overall league position in each class is determined by the aggregate handicap score from the competitors best five rounds. The Class winners, who received a BSSA Gold Medal and will hold the trophy for a year, were:






A Mrs W Foith 2 25 Scratch Shield
B Mrs S Day 6 35 Panther Trophy
C I Abbots 8 93 Frostbite 2nd Division Cup
BR K Sheead 2 18 TBA

A summary of the league results may be found here.

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BSSA January Open Meeting 2023 – Results

Prize winners at the 2023 BSSA Indoor Meeting were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class



K Bowley


E Haigh


Ms M Popham


Ms L Mackernan




Mrs W Foith


A Peck


Mrs T Beadle


Ms T Austin




J Duguid


D Swain


S Beadle



K Sheead won the Bench Rest competition with a score of 790 including 25 Xs and received a prize of £8.
The top Lady was Mrs W Foith, winning £3; top Junior was Miss L Mackernan, also winning £3; the Open Pairs competition was won by Ms J Newing and C Garham with a combined score of 1541 who each received £3.

All prizes were in cash and the full results may be found here.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 5

Now that was what you call a frostbite, -4°C as the first shots were fired and it wasn’t much warmer by the last shot. Luckily, there was no wind and off the firing point and in the sun it was almost pleasant. The frost did have an upside, the ground was hard; without the frost it would have been muddy, thanks to the resident badgers digging up the range floor.

Winners of the day’s competitions were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First N Day 2 0
Second Mrs W Foith 2 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First K Sheead 2 0
Second I Abbots 8 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First K Sheead 2 0
Second Ms M Popham 6 2

The sixth and final round (100yds) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 12th February.
Too early for a weather forecast, but hopefully a bit warmer than it was for Round 5.
There is a slim chance that it may be possible to enter on the day, but please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email:, Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

Next weekend, 28th/29th January, is the BSSA Indoor 25yd and Airgun Open Meeting, spaces still available, see here for details.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 4

As we set up range for round 4 it was relatively mild, 7°C, sunny and still. By the time the first detail started a chaotic wind had arrived and the flags were flying in all directions (a scene not help by the excessive number of wind flags which have been deployed to deter the Badgers from rooting up the range floor – they are about as effective in that role as they are in indicating the wind to the shooter); it remained sunny. By the second detail started the sun had disappeared, leaving a grey sky. Luckily, throughout the shoot the wind was so chaotic that it appeared to be having little effect on the fall of shot.

Winners of the day’s competitions were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First Mrs S Day 6 1
Second J Duguid 3 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First S Webb 6 1
Second K Sheead 3 2
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Ms M Popham 6 3
Second (C/back) J Dalley 6 3

Round 5 (50m) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 22nd January.
The forecast suggests that this should be another mild day, with a moderate breeze.
There is a slim chance that it may be possible to enter on the day, but please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email:, Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

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BSSA Indoor Meeting (Prone, Benchrest & Airgun) 2023

Entries are now open for the 25 yd Indoor Prone Rifle Match and the 10m Airgun Match, to be held at the Bedford (Clapham) range on the 28/29th January 2023.

The Prone Rifle Match consist of two details, each of 40 shots on NSRA 2510BM 1989 series targets – Aggregate ex 800. There will be a 50 minute break between details. Competitors are classified in four classes: BSSA ‘X’ class is made up of shooters in & previously in X Class within the past 3 years, Nationally Classified ‘X’ Class competitors will be placed in Class ‘X’; all other competitors will be placed in three equal classes as far as possible, according to submitted average. All competitors other than ‘X’ Class are required to submit an average based on the best 5 of the last 6 indoor scores.Further details and the entry form may be downloaded here.

The Bench Rest competition will be shot in one class on a squadded basis with 80 shots to count in two 40 shot details. It is an any sights competition to be shot at 25 yds. Own rests are to be brought by the shooters competing. Two firing points per detail will be allocated for bench rest competitor, please annotate your entry form with ‘Bench rest’ or contact Steve Beadle directly (contact details on entry form) if you wish to enter this discipline.

The Airgun competition is in three categories: Air Pistol, Air Rifle (precision) and Air Rifle (Sporter).

Air Pistol & Rifle (precision)

Comp 1 – 60 shot course of fire at Air4/89-18 or A3/89-18 10m targets.

Comp 2 – Second 60 shot course, scores aggregated with Comp 1.

Air rifle (Sporter) – 40 shots at 10m.

Entry forms for these competitions may be downloaded from:

Prone and Bench Rest Entry Form

Airgun Entry Form

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 3

Round 3 of the Frostbite League was shot in cold but, luckily, still conditions.

As usual, Round 3 incorporates the Christmas shoot, five shots in two minutes, with the aim being to miss the elves (-25 points) who are busy decorating the Christmas tree and, if you’re feeling lucky, hit the star (+25 points).  For the benchrest competitors the challenge was greater, as they had to shoot at a reversed target. As usual the scores were entertaining, the winning score being 55,  the lowest  was -92 points, a new record.

The results for the ‘serious’ competition were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First S Webb 6 0
Second D Swain 5 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs W Foith 2 0
Second K Sheead 2 0
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First K Sheead 2 0
Second C Stone 5 1

Round 3 also sees the Half-Way prizes in each class, these are based on the best two 0f the three rounds shot thus far. Winners were:





A D Swain 5 7
B Mrs S Day 6 12
C S Bradfield 7 26
BR K Sheead 2 4

Round 4 (100yds) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 8th January.
Too early for a reliable forecast, but hopefully the current “Troll of Trondheim” will have passed on.
There is a slim chance that it may be possible to enter on the day, but please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email:, Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 2

Round 2 of the Frostbite League was shot in relatively mild, sunny and still conditions. Light conditions proved tricky, with many complaining of difficulty discerning the shot holes, which could appear and disappear as the light changed.

The regular organiser had been granted medical leave but the substitutes appeared to be coping well – until it came to the results. After a couple of mis-cues prizes were awarded, but a post-event review revealed an error in the positions for Competition 1; therefore, two first places in this competition have been awarded.





1. Cards 1 & 2 First S Bradfield 7 1
Mrs S Day 6 1
Second N Day 2 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs T Beadle 6 0
Second N Day 2 1
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Mrs T Beadle 6 1
Second C Stone 5 1

Round 3 (50m) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 4th December and this will also include the Christmas fun shoot. Competitors wishing to take part in the fun shoot should bring a wrapped prize, to a value of about £5 is recommended.
The forecast suggests that this should be another mild day, with a gentle breeze.
There is a slim chance that it may be possible to enter on the day, but please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email:, Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

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BSSA Frostbite League 2022/3 Round 1

Though damp, the rain held off for Round 1 of the Frostbite League to be shot in relatively mild and still conditions. Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First J Duguid 3 0
Second N Day 2 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First D Swain 5 1
= C Stone 5 1
3. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Mrs S Day 6 1
Second Mrs W Foith 2 1

Round 2 (100 yards) of the Frostbite League will take place on the 20th November. The forecast suggests that this should be another mild day, with a chance of rain and a moderate breeze.
Unfortunately, due to the limited range space, we cannot offer entry on the day for this event.

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BSSA Frostbite League

The BSSA Frostbite will commence on Sunday 6th November, at the Bedford Rifle Range. Entries closed on the 1st November, with a fairly full list. If there are cancellations it may be possible to enter on the day, please check with the organiser Steve Beadle, (Email:, Tel: 07720 677456) before travelling.

The range will be open from 9am, competitors should arrive early as you are expected to help prepare the range including setting out your own target frame. The first detail will commence at 10.15 or earlier if all are present and ready.

Dates for subsequent rounds are:

20th November
4th December
8th January
22nd January
12th February

Full details and entry form may be found here.

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