BSSA 800 Sunday 25th September 2022 – Results

In view of the reduced entry Classes B & C were combined and the scores based on the MacRae handicap system; whilst Classes X and A stayed as a straight gun score competition.

The weather was relatively benign, with sunny intervals and a light wind,  so for once the wind flags had little to do. Despite the apparently favourable conditions, there was just one ‘possible’ achieved and that was at 100 yds.

The winners were:

BSSA 800 (80 @ 50m)

X Class

Gun Score
N J Day 784
J Duguid 784 (countback)

A Class

Gun Score
Mrs S Day 773
C Stone 773 (lost on countback)

Classes B & C  Combined

Average Gun Score MacRae Score
P Robinson 87.0 743 800.443
I Abbots 88.0 741 800.378


Gun Score
K Sheead 786 6x

Optional Shoot (50 @ 100 yds) 

Class X

Gun Score
J Duguid 490
Mrs W Foith 486

Class A

Gun Score
Mrs S Day 479
C Stone 479 (lost on countback)

Classes B & C Combined

Average Gun Score MacRae Score
Ms M Popham 92.0 476 400.372
P Robinson 87.0 458 400.338

Full results may be found here.

The mysteries of the MacRae handicap system are explained here.

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BSSA 800 and Frostbite League

BSSA 800
Sunday 25th September 2022
80 SHOTS @ 50 metres, prone and benchrest.
Plus optional 50 shots @100yds, prone only

VENUE: Bedford Rifle Range, Clapham Road, Bedford MK41 6EN

SQUADDING: All competitors will be squadded. The first squad will commence prompt at
10.00 am (Range will be open by 9.00 am). Each detail will be 30 minutes, 20 minutes for
shooting and 10 minutes for target changing. Squadding details will be emailed to each
competitor. Postal squadding notice can be given, if stamped address envelope is
enclosed with entry form.

RANGE COMMITTEE: All disputes shall be referred to the Range Committee, any three of
whom shall form a quorum.

TARGETS: N.S.R.A. 1989 series 50 metre & 100 yard targets will be used.

Entry form and full conditions may be downloaded here.

BSSA Frostbite League

The BSSA Frostbite will commence on Sunday 6th November, at the Bedford Rifle Range. Entries close on the 1st November, though it may be possible to enter on the day if space permits.
Dates for subsequent rounds are:

20th November
4th December
8th January
22nd January
12th February

Full details and entry form may be found here.

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BSSA Winter Leagues 2022/23

Entries are now open for the BSSA 25yd pairs competitions.

Entries for the winter 2022/23 25yd competition close on the 12th September with the first round to be shot by the 1oth October. Further details and entry form may be found here.

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BSSA Grand Slam Sunday 26th June 2022 – Results

Initial indications were that the entries for this meeting would be fairly low; therefore it was decided to amalgamate the entries into a single class and run two parallel competitions: one based on straight gun score the second based on the MacRae handicap system. To ensure the prizes were distributed widely, competitors could only win one prize, with the Gun Score contest taking priority.

In the event, a number of locals who were participating in the Dewar Trials at the Appleton Range on the Saturday and were therefore doubtful if they could also make an appearance at Bedford on the Sunday, were able to attend; making a reasonably healthy field of 16 prone and 4 benchrest shooters.

The weather forecast was for sunny intervals and a ‘fresh breeze’; the latter appears to be a bit of a misnomer, meaning a wind of 19-24 mph (Wind Force 5) in which ‘Small trees in leaf begin to sway’. Judging by the ‘sway’ of the larger trees neighbouring the range the gusts were somewhat stronger. The wind flags were as helpful as usual, appearing to be randomly pointing in any and all directions. The challenge of the conditions resulted in no ‘possibles’ being achieved and only four ’99s’ at 100 yds.

The winners were:

Grand Slam (60 @ 100 yd) Gun Score Competition

Gun Score
M Dixon 583
J Duguid 581

Grand Slam (60 @ 100 yd) MacRae Handicap Competition

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
T Stevens 92.3 563 600.191
D Swain 94.6 572 600.128

Benchrest (60 @100 yds) Gun Score only

Gun Score
K Sheead 589 8x
A Campbell 574 7x

Optional Shoot (40 @ 50m) Gun Score Competition

Gun Score
N Day 392
M Dixon 389

Optional Shoot (40 @ 50m) MacRae Handicap Competition

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
Mrs S Day 95.5 386 400.190
E Haigh 96.2 388 400.176

Full results may be found here.

The mysteries of the MacRae handicap system are explained here.

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County Championships 12th June 2022

Detailed results of the 2022 County Championships may be found here.
The winners table is:-

Short Range
First Second Third
Class A Cudmore Geer Cup Wendy Foith Colin Stone Giles Haley
Class B W E Greenwood Cup Tracey Beadle Karen Kennedy Mick Shaw
Class C Bradford Cup Dave White Teresa Knights Oscar Oliver
Ladies D A Bell Cup Wendy
Tracey Beadle Teresa Knights
Juniors Lansdowne Cup Oscar Oliver
Veterans Colin Stone Dave White Steve Beadle
Super- Veterans Terry Stevens
Team Lord Luke Shield Ex-Waterlow
Long Range
Class A Ind. Championship Cup Giles Haley Wendy Foith Colin Stone
Class B The Bedford Shield Tracey Beadle Steve Beadle Mick Shaw
Class C J L Dickinson Cup Sam Bradfield Josh Knights Teresa Knights
Ladies B A Cox Plate Wendy
Tracey Beadle
Juniors NSRA Golden Jubilee Trophy Sam Bradfield Josh Knights
Veterans Veterans Shield Colin Stone Steve Beadle Mick Shaw
Super – Veterans Terry Stevens
Team Bernard Cudmore Cup Ex-Waterlow
Club Team of Three
(One each from Class A, B & C)
Garrett Cup Ex-Waterlow A Ex-Waterlow B
County Champion C L Fryer Memorial Trophy Wendy Foith Giles Haley Colin Stone
Champion of Champions Wendy Foith
Veterans Veterans Shield Colin Stone Steve Beadle Terry Stevens
Super Veterans Peter Brind’s Super Veterans Trophy Terry Stevens


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BSSA Grand Slam Sunday 26th June 2022

60 shots at 100 yds and optional 40 shots at 50 metres


To be shot in four classes:
CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
Classes A, B & C according to entry.

Plus Benchrest (60 shot, 100yds only)

For further details of the BSSA Grand Slam, please refer to the Entry Form.

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BSSA Grand Prix, 22 May 2022, Results

Numbers for the shoot were slightly low, with 24 competing, therefore the 50m Grand Prix competition was shot in two classes, X, and A, B & C combined. The combined A, B & C class was scored on the MacRae handicap system.

Prize winners were:
X Class

Gun Score
Mrs W Foith 594
R Fowke 586

A, B & C Class


Average Gun Score Macrae Score
S Webb 96.0 582 600.231
M Shaw 96.5 581 600.087
Ms M Popham 93.73 563 600.016
Mrs T Beadle 95.0 569 599.969

Benchrest (Single Class)

Gun Score
A Robertson 590 2x

The Optional 100yd 40 Shot Competition Shot was also shot in two classes, X, and A, B & C combined, prize winners were:

X Class

Gun Score
Mrs W Foith 392
J Duguid 391

A, B & C Class

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
B Parker 91.83 375 400.215
M Shaw 96.5 389 400.176
Mrs S Day 95.67 384 400.065

Optional competition prizes were in wine.

Full results may be found here.

The mysteries of the MacRae handicap system are explained here.

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County Championships – 12th June

The County Championships consist of Individual and Team Competitions at both Short Range (25yd) and Long Range (50m & 100yds) in 3 classes. Either or both championships may be entered.


A – Average 96.5 and over
B – Average 94.6 to 96.4
C – Average 94.5 and under

Short range championship.

To be shot locally to Postal Competition rules. The course of fire  for all classers  is 4 x 10 shots at 25 yds using 2510BM targets. Cards need not be shot in a single session and may be shot concurrently with Beds League cards. All cards must be returned to the scorer by 12pm on the 7th June.

Long range championship

To be shot at the Bedford Range on the 12th June commencing at 1.00pm.

Course of fire will be:
40 shots at each distance for Classes A (Average 96.5 and over) & B (Average 94.6 to 96.4);
20 shots at each  distance for Class C ( Average 94.5 and under).

Team, Junior, Veterans and Super-Veterans competitions will be shot concurrent with the equivalent championship.

Entries should be submitted through your Club. Full details, including entry fees, may be found here.

If are resident in Bedfordshire but not a member of a Bedfordshire based Club, then you may still enter as an individual, please contact B Cox, BSSA Match Secretary for entry. Contact details may be found here.

Entries Close 28th May.

Note: This is a Confined meeting, open only to those who reside in the County of Bedfordshire.

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Six Counties Match 24th April 2022

The Six Counties Match is an annual shoulder-to-shoulder match featuring teams from the six counties that make up the Eastern Region: Essex, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk & Suffolk.

The Counties take turns to organiser the match and, in times past, each County would host the match at its County Range. Unfortunately, in the current era, the only range in the Eastern Region large enough to hold this event is the Doug Mottram Range at Yaxley (Norman Cross), which is run by Cambridgeshire.  This year’s event was therefore organised by Bedfordshire but hosted by Cambridgeshire.

Usually the current format is for each County to be represented by two teams of eight (A & B). The A teams compete for the  Eastern Region Team Trophy; whilst the B teams compete for the appropriately named B Team Cup. Each competitor shooting a double-Dewar course (40 shots at 50m, 40 shots at 100yds).

In deference to Covid-19, to reduce the numbers at the gathering, this years event was reduced to the A teams only. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, Hertfordshire could not raise a team. In addition, Suffolk had two team members withdraw at the last moment and hence were reduced to a team of six. The contest was therefore amended to take the best 6 scores for each team.

The day proved sunny and dry, but the Met office ‘moderate breeze’ was both chilly and unpredictable, both in strength and direction. Tight groups were therefore in unusually short supply, there were just two ‘tons’ scored, both at 50m and both by Mrs WF of Bedfordshire. The spread in the fall of  shot did however make the scorers task somewhat easier than normal.

Despite the weather, the contest was close at the top, with Cambridgeshire and Essex both amassing totals of 4509 (out of a possible 4800). The tie was decided on the better scores at 100yds, giving the following result:


 50m Agg. Score 

100 yd Agg. Score 


(Best 6 Ex 2400)

(Best 6 Ex 2400)

(Ex 4800)





















The medal for the best individual score was won by Ms VM, of Norfolk, with a score of 758 ex 800 (Note. This medal can only be one once by any individual).

Full results may be found here.

Next years event will be organised by Suffolk, with Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Essex and Norfolk following.

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BSSA Grand Prix 22 May 2022


60 SHOTS @ 50 metres, plus optional, 40 SHOTS @ 100 yards

Prone to be shot in f0ur classes:

CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
CLASSES A – C determined by entry.

Benchrest (50m only) shot in a single class.

60 shots at 50m: Cash.
40 shots at 100yds: Wine.

(All prizes accordingly to entry)

For further details of this Meeting, please refer to the Information Sheet and Entry Form.

Entries close 14th May (Late entries may be considered if space at the range permits).

*** Entry extended until 18th May ***
*** Email to enter***

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