English Match 20th March 2022 Results

There was a good turnout for the first outdoor open of the year, with 31 competitors for the English Match, with 12 competing in ‘X’ Class.
The organisers had arranged some pleasant spring like weather – sunny, warm and a light, but fickle, wind.

English Match prize winners were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class



N Day


M Fitzjohn


M Shaw


Ms M Popham




C Hunter


C Stone


S Webb


P Robinson




R Wilson


Ms S Davies




M Parry



The Benchrest competion, shot in a single class, was won by A Campbell with a score of 589 with 3X’s.

Optional 40 Shot Competition prize winners were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class


R Fowke


E Haigh


C Davis


Ms M Popham



T Grey


S Webb


All prizes were in wine.

Full results for both competitions may be found here.

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Frostbite League – Round 6 (Final)

Round 6 of the Frostbite League was shot on the 13 February.  The weather stay dry for most of the shoot, but there was an annoying wind fishtailing down (across and up) the range.  Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First Mrs S Day 5 0
Second S Webb 5 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First D Swain 3 2
Second A Lee 6 3
2. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First C Stone 4 2
Second Mrs W Foith 2 2

League Result
The overall league position in each class is determined by the aggregate handicap score from the competitors best five rounds. The Class winners were:

A Class: Neil Day
B Class: Mrs Susan Day
C Class: No award – no competitor completed five rounds.

Full results for the league may be found here. (Note: The sole Benchrest shooter was participating as a ‘test event’ and was not an official part of the league. It is the BSSA aspiration to offer full benchrest participation in the 2022/23 league).

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BSSA Summer Leagues

Entries are now open for the BSSA 25yd and 50m/50yds pairs, and 100yd individual competitions.

Entries for the 25 yd competition close on the 28th February with the first round to be shot by the 11th April. Further details and entry form may be found here.

Entries for the 50m/50yd and 100yd competitions close on the 7th March with the first round to be shot by the 18th April. Further details and entry form may be found here for the 50m/50yd and here for the 100yd.

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BSSA English Match

English Match
60 SHOTS @ 50 metres, plus optional 40 SHOTS also @ 50 metres

A 60 shot at 50m Benchrest competition is also available.

Date:  20th March 2022

Venue: Bedford Range, Clapham Road, Bedford.

Closing date for entries: 13th March. Late entries may be accepted if space permits.

For further details of the BSSA English Match and Benchrest competition, please refer to the entry form here

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BSSA January Open Meeting 2022 – Results

Prize winners at the 2022 BSSA Indoor Meeting were:

X Class

A Class

B Class

C Class



K Bowley


G Haley


S Beadle


P Robinson




Mrs W Foith


E Haigh


G Hider


S Bradfield




J Knights



A Robertson won the Bench Rest competition with a score of 788 including 11 Xs and received a prize of £8.

All prizes were in cash and the full results may be found here.

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Frostbite League Round 5

Round 5 of the Frostbite League was shot on the 23rd January.  According to the thermometer the temperature was hovering around 5°C and the air was still, however there was a dampness in the air making feel like the coldest shoot so far.  Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First Mrs W Foith 2 0
Second S Beadle 6 1
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs W Foith 2 0
Second S Beadle 6 1
2. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First D Butcher 3 1
Second N Day 2 2
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Frostbite League Round 4

Round 4 of the Frostbite League was shot on the 9th January.  The temperature was hovering around 0°C with a frost on the ground, however the air was still and the sun shining and so it was a comparatively pleasant shoot.  Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First S Beadle 6 0
Second Mrs W Foith 2 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First N Day 2 1
Second D Swain 3 2
2. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First Mrs S Day 5 1
Second N Day 2 1


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BSSA Indoor Prone & Benchrest Rifle Open Meeting

Entries are now open for the 25 yd Indoor Prone Rifle Match, to be held at the Bedford (Clapham) range on the 29/30th January 2022.

The Prone Rifle Match consist of two details, each of 40 shots on NSRA 2510BM 1989 series targets – Aggregate ex 800. There will be a 50 minute break between details. Competitors are classified in four classes: BSSA ‘X’ class is made up of shooters in & previously in X Class within the past 3 years, Nationally Classified ‘X’ Class competitors will be placed in Class ‘X’; all other competitors will be placed in three equal classes as far as possible, according to submitted average. All competitors other than ‘X’ Class are required to submit an average based on the best 5 of the last 6 indoor scores. Further details and the entry form may be downloaded here.

A bench rest competition has been included for 2022. It will be shot in one class on a squadded basis with 80 shots to count in two 40 shot details. It is an any sights competition to be shot at 25 yds. Own rests are to be brought by the shooters competing. Two firing points per detail will be allocated for bench rest competitor, please annotate your entry form with ‘Bench rest’ or contact Steve Beadle directly (contact details on entry form) if you wish to enter this discipline.

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Frostbite League Round 3

For Round 3 of the Frostbite League we were back to ‘balmy’ conditions with temperatures in double figures and a light wind.  Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First M Shaw 5 0
Second E Guilloud 3 0
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 First Mrs W Foith 2 2
Second S Beadle 6 3
2. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First N Day 2 0
Second D Swain 3 1


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Frostbite League Round 2

As forecast, Round 2 of the Frostbite was shot in conditions appropriate to the title of the league, with temperatures barely climbing in to the positive regime. Results were:





1. Cards 1 & 2 First D Butcher 3 2
Second N Day 2 3
2. Cards 3, 4 & 5 Equal Mrs W Foith 2 3
First N Day 2 3
2. Cards 6, 7 & 8 First A Lee 6 1
Second E Haigh 4 1


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