BSSA Grand Slam Sunday 23rd June 2019

60 shots at 100 yds and/or 40 shots at 50 metres


To be shot in four classes:
CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
CLASS A – 97.0 over
CLASS B – 94.1 to 96.9
CLASS C – below 94

For further details of this Meeting please refer to the Conditions and Entry Form.
Late entries may be accepted if space permits.

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County Championships 9th June 2019

Detailed results of the 2019 County Championships may be found here.
The winners table is:-

Short Range
First Second Third
Class A Cudmore Geer Cup Wendy
Colin Stone Mark Raftery
Class B W E Greenwood Cup Janet Baker Tracey Beadle Mick Shaw
Class C Bradford Cup Sam Bradfield Brian Cox Gary Deamer
Ladies D A Bell Cup Wendy
Juniors Lansdowne Cup Sam Bradfield Oscar Oliver
Veterans Colin Stone
Super- Veterans Gerry
Team Lord Luke Shield Bedford
Long Range
Class A Ind. Championship Cup Wendy Foith Jim Duguid Jason Green
Class B The Bedford Shield Tracey Beadle Craig Walker Gordon Hurn
Class C J L Dickinson Cup Sam Bradfield Oscar Oliver Nick Pratt
Ladies B A Cox Plate Wendy
Juniors NSRA Golden Jubilee Trophy Sam Bradfield Oscar Oliver
Veterans Veterans Shield Jim Duguid
Super – Veterans Janet Baker
Team Bedford
Veterans Veterans Shield Jim Duguid
Super Veterans Peter Brind’s Super Veterans Trophy Janet Baker
County Champion C L Fryer Memorial Trophy Wendy Foith Jim Duguid Jason Green
Champion of Champions Wendy Foith
Club Team of Three
(One each from Class A, B & C)
Garrett Cup Ex Waterlow


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Grand Prix Results 19th May 2019

Numbers for the shoot were slightly low, with 16 competing. This was due to a number of the usual competitors either attending an Eastern Region Training morning or competing in an Home Counties match, the Marks Shield.

Due to the low entry, the Grand Prix was shot in two classes (X/A  & B/C) whilst the optional competition was run as a single class. Scoring was based on the MacRae handicap system, using the scores from the English Match as the average.

Grand Prix prize winners were:
X/A Class

Average Gun Score Macrae Score Prize
N J Day 98.0 593 600.357 £15
C Stone 95.5 581 600.276 £10
Mrs S Day 96.5 580 600.043 £5

B/C Class

Average Gun Score Macrae Score Prize
L Collins/td> 94.0 574 600.316 £15
S Bradfield 91.0 557 600.196 £10
S Beadle 94.0 571 600.184 £5

Optional 40 Shot Competition prize winners were:

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
L collins 94.0 384 400.296
C Stone 95.5 388 400.286
N Day 98.0 394 400.182
Mrs W Foith 97.5 392 400.154

Optional competition prizes were in wine.
Full results for both competitions may be found here:

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BSSA Grand Prix 19 May 2019


60 SHOTS @ 50 metres, plus optional, 40 SHOTS @ 100 yards

To be shot in f0ur classes:

CLASS X – National Classification, current and previous three years.
CLASSES A – C determined by entry.

60 shots at 50m: Cash.
40 shots at 100yds: Wine.

(All prizes accordingly to entry)

For further details of this Meeting, please refer to the Information Sheet and Entry Form.

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English Match Results 17th March 2019

There was a good turnout for the first outdoor open of the year, with 39 competitors for the English Match.  Numbers for the optional shoot were slightly lower, with 17 competing. This was due to a number of competitors having attended an Eastern Region Training morning and therefore not having time to compete in both shoots. Due to the lower entry expected, the optional competition was run as a single class with the scoring based on the MacRae handicap system, using the scores from the English Match as the average.

March winds, with a sporadic mix of rain and occasional hail, provided challenging conditions for most of the day.
English Match prize winners were:


X Class A Class B Class C Class Prize
D Swain 586 E Haigh 585 D Frogett 578 T Luscombe 560 £15
N J Day 584 T Shipman 578 R Grice 571 Miss M Popham 559 £10
Mrs W Foith 584 Ms J Newing 576 K McCamley 565 SC Walker 554 £5
Mrs P Simmons 584 G Haley 571 M Shaw 564 L Barr 546 £5
L Collins 561 S Bradfield (Jun) 542 £5

All prizes were in cash.
Optional 40 Shot Competition prize winners were:

Average Gun Score Macrae Score
R Grice 95.2 391 400.481
N J Day 97.3 395 400.453
Mrs S Day 95.2 389 400.387
C Walker 92.3 380 400.329
M Dowe 97.0 392 400.286

All prizes were in wine.

Full results for both competitions may be found here:


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BSSA English Match

English Match
60 SHOTS @ 50 metres, plus optional 40 SHOTS also @ 50 metres

Date:  17th March 2018

Venue: Bedford Range, Clapham Road, Bedford.

Closing date for entries: 13th March. Late entries may be accepted if space permits.

60 shots at 50m: Cash
40 shots at 100yds: Wine

For further details of the BSSA English Match, please refer to the entry form and information sheet.

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BSSA January Open Meeting 2019 – Results

Prize winners at the 2019 BSSA Indoor Meeting were:

X Class A Class B Class C Class Prize
Mrs W Foith 794 Mrs T Beadle 782 G Hurn 772 C Walker 762 £15
N J Day 794 E Haigh 781 P Atkinson 766 Ms M Poppen 759 £10
J Duguid 790 G Haley 779 Ms J Boyle 763 V Keyton 745 £5
C Stone 777 S Beadle 763 £5

All prizes were in cash and the full results may be found here.

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BSSA January Open Meetings

Entries are now open for the 25 yd Indoor Prone Rifle Match, to be held at the Bedford (Clapham) range, and the Air gun Match to be held at the Glider public house, Dunstable. Both to be held on the 19/20th January.

The Prone Rifle Match consist of two details, each of 40 shots on NSRA 2510BM 1989 series targets – Aggregate ex 800. There will be a 50 minute break between details. Competitors are classified in four classes: BSSA ‘X’ class is made up of shooters in & previously in X Class within the past 3 years,  Nationally Classified ‘X’ Class competitors will be placed in Class ‘X’; all other competitors will be placed in three equal classes as far as possible, according to submitted average. All competitors other than ‘X’ Class are required to submit an average based on the best 5 of the last 6 indoor scores. Further details and the entry form may be downloaded here.

The Airgun match is in two competitions, one for rifle the other for pistol. The course of fire for both competitions is 60 shots. ISSF rules will be observed. Details and firing points will be allocated on a first come first served basis and will only be confirmed once the entry fee has been paid. In previous years details have filled up quickly so get your entries in early to secure your place. The entry form may be downloaded here.

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BSSA 800 – Results

Due to a reduced entry, the BSSA 800 was shot in two classes, combined X & A and combined B & C, using the Macrae handicap system. The winners were:

X/A Class B/C Class Prize
Average Gun Score Macrae Score Average Gun Score Macrae Score
N J Day 97.5 792 800.545 J Green 92.8 760 800.295 £15
D Swain 96.0 786 800.529 A Lee 94.6 770 800.292 £10
Mrs W Foith 98.0 790 800.333 G Hurn 94.8 771 800.289 £5
Mrs S Day 96.0 779 800.324 J Howe 92.2 753 800.239 £5
S Holder 96.2 777 800.228 N Winning 92.8 752 800.161 £5

All prizes were in NSRA Vouchers.

Optional 50 Shot Competition prize winners were:

X/A Class B/C Class
Average Gun Score Macrae Score Average Gun Score Macrae Score
D Swain 96.0 485 500.227 J Green 92.8 467 500.079
S C Webb 96.0 480 500.000 N Winning 92.8 465 500.026
N J Day/td> 97.5 487 599.966 G Hurn 94.8 474 500.000

All prizes were in wine.

Full results may be found here.

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BSSA Grand Slam 2018 – Results

Thorn Grand Slam prize winners were:

X Class A Class B Class C Class Prize
N J Day 588 S C Webb 582 K Sheead 572 C Walker 555 £15
Mrs W Foith 584 C Stone 577 G Hider 571 P Robinson 540 £10
J Duguid 580 M Shaw 570 £5
C Ingham 578 S Beadle 569 £5

All prizes were in Bank of England Vouchers.

Optional 40 Shot Competition prize winners were:

X Class A Class B Class C Class
N J Day 391 S C Webb 391 K Sheead 390 C Walker 369
T Grey 388 G Hider 386
Mrs S Day 388 J Spencer 379

All prizes were in wine.

Full results may be found here.

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